"Academic David has left the world and took his secret knowledge with him," says the title of the free audios that come with the book Acne Free: A Course in Miracles. The author, David Hoffmeister free audios, PhD, touches on some of the most fundamental issues about our personal relationships, and the role that self-esteem and judgments play in keeping the illusion of balance and harmony in our lives. When we make judgments about ourselves, we often fail to see the whole picture, and end up living in a world of emotional debris and broken relationships. When you read David's insightful and thought-provoking guide to clearing your judgments and replacing them with more empowering beliefs, you will feel empowered to finally start trusting yourself again.
What makes Acne Free: A Course in Miracles so compelling is its delivery of real-life solutions to the challenges you face every day when caring for your health and happiness. Instead of merely regurgitating tips from therapists, counselors, and doctors, Hoffmeister offers a clear and concise way to describe the process of changing your thoughts and feelings in order to shift your patterns of destructive behavior. He describes how our judgments about other people and ourselves can prevent us from reaching our full potential, and how our fears about failing to achieve our goals can keep us stuck in a linear sense of time and lack the ability to look at situations objectively. When you read this book, you gain a better understanding of how your thoughts and actions can effect the way you experience life. And this in turn gives you the tools you need to make your life happier and more positive, with less pain and suffering.
A major theme of the book is a discussion of how a negative thought system can keep you stuck in a stagnant and unhappy existence. Hoffmeister points out that this type of thinking prevents you from doing anything about your circumstances, which leaves you no options but to react emotionally, and emotionally unstable. Because you are not equipped or knowledgeable enough to confront your negative thought system directly, you will be driven by your emotions. This results in procrastination, and poor time management. So instead of listening to David Hoffmeister offer you free audios on how to switch your thought system, you may be more interested in surfing the net, taking surveys, or watching mindless television shows rather than studying how to effectively change your thought system.
What I think most readers will find interesting is that with so many titles available, he never deviates from offering great advice and valuable information. Some of the titles are based on personal experience, and deal with overcoming low self esteem, anger, depression, and self-pity. Some others offer you an introduction into the techniques and strategies used by professional consultants who work with people who have been disappointed in their past efforts to change and have become discouraged and confused by the various roadblocks they've encountered along the way. David Hoffman offers you another opportunity to make your life better, by arming yourself with the knowledge needed to create miracles. You can learn simple tools you can use immediately and master new skills to help you make big changes in your life today.
Most people find it hard to understand the concept of having God-like powers, when they constantly feel helpless, and unable to make any difference, despite their best intentions. David Hoffman explains that you don't need to have divine intervention to bring about miracles in your life, nor do you have to dwell on your past failures and decide to wallow in self-pity. Instead you must learn to act from a place of both compassion and hope, which will enable you to make choices from a state of equilibrium. When you act from a state of balance, you'll easily be able to defuse ego judgments, and move on towards faith and prosperity, instead of feeling overwhelmed and rejected by God.
Some people may have heard of the "ethereal love" theory, and might think it's all about love being experienced from a higher power. However David Hoffman explains that the true power in this process comes from God Himself, through the Holy Spirit, who qualifies us for union with His Son. When we love God from a state of intimacy with Him and accept Him as our Savior, we instantly experience a shift in perspective, and a greater ability to see and change things for the better. The way we think and feel about ourselves depreciates our ability to be creative and therefore affect change. By listening to these free audios from Dr. David Hoffman, we can break through the barriers of our limited mental consciousness and use what God has already provided for us to manifest miracles in our lives.
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